Visit Southern California’s Largest Big Train Store
Milepost 38 Toy Trains…
- Serves model train enthusiasts from throughout Southern California.
- Specializes in the larger model train gauges (O & G).
- Largest Lionel Trains dealer in Orange County.
- Features such other manufacturers as LGB, MTH Railking, American Flyer, Williams by Bachman, Piko, and more.
- Offers one of the region’s largest sections devoted to Thomas the Tank Engine & his friends from the Isle of Sodor.
- Will buy your old train set. Visit our We Buy Trains page for more details.
- Offers online sales through our eBay store.
- Covers more than 3,000 square feet, and with Arnie’s Trains, located next door, comprises a Model Trains Super Center featuring more than 7,000 square feet of trains and accessories.
We Buy Trains!

Visit our eBay Store
Milepost 38 Toy Trains is constantly getting collections of new and used trains.
We find some very neat items that can be pretty rare and by opening these items up for the world to bid on, we can make sure they find a nice home.
Please check our eBay store often.
New items are being added every day.